Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Musical visionaire?

Hi again. It is my nepotist nature that made me write it: I want to recommend you a CD. It is Fantomas' "Suspended Animation" and, hell, if it isn't the most visionary and original piece of music ever made, you can find me an kill me. Mike Patton at his best, and his band good as never before.

If you wish Zappa had played metal and if you like cartoon music, this one if for you. It sounds like a little child's nightmare with mickey-mousing and terrible monsters that come to grab you by your ankles in the dead of night...

I can't get the CD out of my player and it is getting even better all the time. It is crazy, dense as shit and makes other music look sombre and boring. "Suspended Animation" is a set o thirty choppy and spastic songs that will not let you sleep to. The musical textures are thick as shit, multidimensional and utterly crazy. The quartet exploits the world of cartoon music with such ease that other modern musicians can only dream of...

Not that Fantomas feature Terry Bozzio on drums (Dave Lombardo, the former drummer, for reasons unknown to me, decided to leave the band), I can't wait to listen to their next record...


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